Mineral Atlas “Mineralienatlas”

The Min­er­al Atlas is a project of the Geolitho Foun­da­tion gGmbH with the aim of pro­vid­ing a the­mat­ic plat­form in the field of geology/mineralogy and min­ing as well as fos­sils. The offered infor­ma­tion and con­tact and exchange oppor­tu­ni­ties are aimed equal­ly at inter­est­ed indi­vid­u­als, sci­en­tists and sci­en­tif­ic or sci­ence edu­ca­tion institutions.


Every­one is invit­ed to con­tribute to the Min­er­al Atlas, to com­plete infor­ma­tion and to pro­vide new information.

The basic idea of this project is a wiki approach, accord­ing to Wikipedia: “A wiki (Hawai­ian for “fast”) is a web­site whose con­tent can not only be read by vis­i­tors, but also edit­ed and changed direct­ly in the web brows­er (Web 2.0 appli­ca­tion).“
The Min­er­alien­at­las pro­vides the tech­ni­cal basis for this and con­trols the work on the con­tent through a team of mod­er­a­tors and administrators.

For more on col­lab­o­ra­tion, see our sum­ma­ry of goals, roles, rules and prin­ci­ples.

Our data for your application

The Min­er­al Atlas forms the data basis for the Geolitho col­lec­tion man­age­ment, mar­ket­place and muse­um, among oth­ers, via interfaces.

Reli­able data exchange between appli­ca­tions works via stan­dard­ized cri­te­ria that enable assignment.

The Min­er­alien­at­las offers its pub­licly main­tained data, such as local­i­ty and min­er­al data, as a so-called vocab­u­lary for non-prof­it projects free of charge. For this pur­pose, Min­er­alien­at­las pro­vides you with an API (Appli­ca­tion Pro­gram­ming Inter­face) tai­lored to your needs.

This is not meant to be a one-way street. Help to uni­fy your and our vocab­u­lary. If you are inter­est­ed, please con­tact us info@geolitho.eu.

Your presence in the Mineral Atlas

To increase the pres­ence of your web­site or event, we offer the pos­si­bil­i­ty to place ban­ner ads or sin­gle page links with us. If you are inter­est­ed, we will glad­ly send you our — as we think — very fair con­di­tions. Please send us your con­tact infor­ma­tion and your request to info@geolitho.eu.

Worth reading

Besides the count­less con­tents, there is also a his­to­ry up to the 10th birth­day that might inter­est you.

To the Min­er­al Atlas